Útmutató kreativitás ösztönzőknek
To summarize the results of the training and impact of all its activities, as well as to maximize the transferability and exploitability of these results, the project partnership, under the coordination of the József Attila Primary School published an illustrated, visual elements supported guidelines for teachers on how to become to become “accelerators” of creativity and innovation in their schools and communities.
IO4 – “Guidelines for teachers as accelerators of creativity and innovation in their schools and communities” has the following four components (A, B, C, D):
A. A 29 pages brochure (translated and graphic edited in all 5 project languages) for online distribution among target group (teachers) as well as schools and other educational stakeholders attending multiplier and other dissemination events, as well of those included in the projects’ stakeholder list. The Brochure has the following structure: I. Introduction; II. What is creativity? (experts from the relevant scientific literature); III. Guiding thoughts on creativity (Scholars’ definition on “Creative thinking”, “Creative schools”, “Creative teaching”, “Creative environment”); IV. My creative resources (self-reflective exercise to identify teachers’ own creative resources); V. Creativity around me (reflective practices to identify creative potential in their environment); VI. Inspiring everyday creativity – the Torrance Incubation Model (short theoretical introduction and two practical examples for classroom use). VII. Inspiring thoughts from teachers taking part in the project activities.
Guidlines - EN
Guidlines - RO
Guidlines - HU
Guidlines - NL
Guidlines - IT
B. A set of 4 colourful posters transmitting the main ideas and concepts to be promoted in schools regarding “everyday creativity” development – these posters are also available in A3 print format in all project languages to be downloaded from the project website (“Outcomes” section).
Posters - EN
Posters - RO
Posters - HU
Posters - NL
Posters - IT
These posters have been printed in Romania, and (along with the Teachers’ Handbook) distributed to all schools in Harghita county through one of the associate partners in Romania: the School Inspectorate of Harghita County
C. Teacher Portfolio Aid – an online form that teachers can complete, supplement with illustrations then download and include it in their Teacher Portfolio to testify the role of creativity in their everyday practices, on the level of methods, variety of techniques and cooperation with students and joint knowledge-building. This tool, available through the project website (“Outcomes” section) is referred to in the Guidelines (the brochure) and is also distributed in the 4th project newsletter.
D. Interview film with the blended training participants (teachers), the course leaders and a Finnish teacher to transmit the main messages of the project and the changes needed in education, as the course participants see it. Filming was done by the professional staff of Inthecity project partner, who delegated a team member to the short-term staff training in Finland (supporting their costs from management costs) to direct and register the interviews. The film was presented during multiplication events and other dissemination events as well and also streamed through the social media of the project reaching over 200 views.