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With this free interactive self-assessment tool1 we would like to support you to reflect on your teaching practice and plan your professional development.

After answering our questions, you will get feedback about:
1.      the variety of tools, technologies and materials you use in your teaching;
2.      the variety of methods and strategies in your teaching;
3.      the ways in which you communicate with learners to create new knowledge.

Answering the questions takes about 10 minutes.

As  the project has been developed under an Erasmus+ school development project, we need to save your input and anonimously provided data for research purposes. You can read more about our research here. IP address or any other data identifying you are NOT collected. 
1 This assessment tool is based on the model described in Pamela Burnard’s book: Musical creativities in practice (Oxford University Press, 2012)
Please reflect on your teaching practice and for each statement choose an adverb of frequency that you feel most suitable for your current teaching.
Number of questions
Which country are you from?
1. I support my students to use their own electornic device for learning purposes.
2. I encourage my students to identify problems and find solutions in their own.
3. I encourage kids to mentor each other and learn from each other.
4. I use frontal classroom settings, i.e. desks in rows, teacher's desk in front.
5. I involve family members and relatives of the students to the classroom work.
6. I encourage children's participation in decision making in my school.
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7. I act as a mentor facilitating students’ learning.
8. I use different methods to evaluate students (e.g. group assessment, self-assessment, portfolio-assessment, descriptive evaluation, green-pen method).
9. I spend most of the classroom time with direct instruction and lecturing.
10. I use games in my teaching practice.
11. In my class I devote more time to interaction among students than to lecturing and direct instruction.
12. In my lessons, students work in groups.
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13. With students, we create artefacts based on the topics we learn about.
14. I integrate science and art in teaching.
15. I cooperate with other subject teachers to prepare my teaching.
16. I use ICT tools, e.g. mobile tools and apps in teaching.
17. In my teaching, I try not to interfere in other subject areas.
18. I use role play and/or drama pedagogy.
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19. I urge my students to learn by memorizing.
20. I involve my students in (re)arranging the learning space according to their needs.
21. We carry out projects with my students.
22. I cross disciplinary boundaries when teaching.
23. I deliberately cultivate curiousity/appetite for discovery in my learners.
24. I invite specialists from outside the school to co-teach in my class (e.g. carpenter, police officer, firefighter, musician, artist, etc.).
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25. I ask learners to formulate their own questions related to the topic/lesson.
26. I rely on textbooks, manuals, etc. in teaching
27. I link contemporary developments in society when teaching.
28. I use the "flipped classroom" method.
29. With my class I contribute to projects of local community organizations.
30. I redesign the learning space based on the needs of the learning content.
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31. I reinterpret and use everyday objects as teaching tools.
32. I use visual aids for demonstration.
33. I use outdoor spaces in teaching.
Year of birth
How many years experience do you have in teaching?*
What is the type of your school? (where you teach now)*
How many children learn in your school (all together)?*
Where is your school located? (type of the area)*
How many free accessible trainings were organized in your school/school district in the last 3 school years? (training in connection with advanced or alternative teaching methods)*

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