Project partners
Spektrum Educational Center, Romania The Spektrum Educational Centre was established in 1996 on the initiative of the Open Society Foundation. The mission of the Center is to offer various educatinal services, urging for a proactive, cooperative and successful community. As a self-sustaining, dynamic organization that is open to cooperation, our aim is to offer a wide range of formal and informal trainings to the organizations wishing to develop in the region, and individuals wishing to improve their knowledge, skills and competences without age limits. |
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"József Attila" Primary School Miercurea Ciuc, Romania Our organisation is providing basic education for children belonging to the age-group 6-15 year old. Being a public educational institution, its main goal is to provide quality educational services, being able to improve its students` study results, and to develop their basic competences and skills. In the current school-year the population of our school consists of 761 students, and 75 teachers and administrative staff. In most of our classes the teaching system is based on traditional pedagogy, but we have several classes working according to the step by step alternative. Our teachers have expertise in different other reform pedagogy alternatives, such as Montessori and Waldorf. Within our organisation there is also a Centre for the development and integration of the children with autism. Approximately the 15% of our students belong to economical and social disadvantaged groups. Our two buildings are situated in the southern part of the city Miercurea Ciuc, not far from the historical city centre. |
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UNIVERSITY OF JYVÄSKYLÄ, Finland The University of Jyväskylä, can be found on the lists of the Shanghai Ranking, Times Higher Education and QS World University Ranking. They combine high-level competence in education, natural sciences, humanities and social sciences, sport and health sciences, as well as in economics and business administration, into a multidisciplinary entity. The University’s Department of Education educates professionals in the field of adult education, education, early childhood education and special education. The Department offers high level, research based bachelor and master education in national and international programmes and runs further education in doctoral school. The Department of Teacher Education educates professionals who are able to respond to the changing needs of school and teaching profession and the challenges of lifelong continuing education. Their goal is to facilitate the students’ growth into autonomous, self-reflective, ethically responsible educators with a strong research foundation and ability to participate in the professional and scientific community of their field. This is achieved by creating a dialogical learning environment, in which students and teachers collaborate in learning encounters and research projects. |
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STICHTING BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT FRIESLAND (BDF), Netherlands Business Development Friesland (BDF) from the Netherlands helps people and organisations to grow. We take own initiative to do so and we get frequently requested by businesses, schools, universities or governments to support them in their efforts. The legal status of BDF is a foundation, from its origin and mission it serves the needs of the supporting the regional economy and employment. BDF is keen to play an active role to solve issues through supporting entrepreneurship education. BDF in the past 12 years has actively supported over 400 companies during their first steps. In 2010, Business Development Friesland has set up the incubator in the city of Leeuwarden (Inqubator Leeuwarden) with support of the Province of Fryslân, municipality of Leeuwarden, two universities of applied science and two vocational schools. |
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M-Around Educational Consulting Ltd, South-Hungary M-Around Educational Consulting Ltd. is a private company situated in South-Hungary. The company started its operation at the end of 2016, however the members of the company have strong knowledge, background and many years’ experience in the field of education and training. M-Around is engaged with supporting educational bodies to determine, prepare, finalize and execute their development strategies with the approach of competence based learning. From pre-schools to upper secondary schools the company has partners from different sectors and training areas. M-Around is also dedicated to support local communities to create an integrated and supportive social, cultural and business environment, to keep the values of rural areas, and be a motivating, inspiring and predictable place to live. The company is the partner of the local municipality council and work together with farmers’ associations and different local companies. Besides this activity M-Around has a few international business and school partners and support them to find business opportunities in the region. Trainings for employees and efficiency analysis are the most common services what are represented by the company on behalf of Danish and Dutch providers. |
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Società Cooperativa Sociale BorgoRete, Italy Società Cooperativa Sociale BorgoRete was founded in February 2007, from the merging of two social cooperatives that were already well-established in the Umbria region: “Borgo” (lit. Neighbourhood) and “Rete” ( were both founded in 1979 by two groups of young people wishing to create a socially active centre within the traditional neighbourhood. The two cooperatives progressively extended their fields of work and their aims, seeking to reconcile opposing values and practices, such as localism and the wider perspective, paid work and voluntary, the theoretical ideal and practical reality. Nowadays, the cooperative BorgoRete employs c.a. 160 social workers in the region of Umbria. The new cooperative, SCSB, has inherited the aims and the operational domains of BORGO and RETE. Borgorete’s mission is to promote social competences at the level of the community, its main objectives are: • Promoting social integration particularly among the most disadvantaged groups in the social, social-health and educational domains; • Raising the awareness of the general population of social justice issues to promote human rights and combat the most common factors of discrimination and social inequality. • Promoting the “cooperative” model as an original and successful social enterprise model. • Valorising and recognising the value of each member both as a person and as a worker, promoting participation in the life of the cooperative and guaranteeing advantageous working conditions, professional growth and continuous learning. Borgorete has extensive experience in the area of education, also through EU funded projects aimed at promoting key and transversal skills for empowerment and re-qualification for the labour market; managing outreach and learning for minors and young people; organising workshops and seminars. |
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Inthecity Project Development, Netherlands Inthecity Project Development is a private company specialized in artistic, new technologies, IT solutions and intercultural issues. It provides services in development of full concept and production of multimedia and web-based products with educational presentation and entertainment purposes. It is focused on developing of innovative multilingual products, materials and approaches, applicable to different target groups. The company’s specialization is the production of web and multimedia products, short and documentary films, creative writing, and creativity and innovation management. Currently the company is oriented in developing concepts and educational products in two main areas: social inclusion of migrants and disadvantaged groups, and embedding digital storytelling in different education curricula of a variety of business sectors. The company has at its disposal well-trained and experienced experts in European cooperation projects, IT specialists, creative professionals that worked together in several projects and created a number of online tools and artistic multimedia educational products, including multimedia teachers training guide in 5 languages “Creative Training”, on-line self learning tool "Learning space for tour guides", Multimedia virtual map of innovative management skills "Manager's Guide for sustainable business", Comic books and Animated films for language learning of migrant children, etc. |