Our objectives

Boosting creativity and innovation is one of the main challenges of today's society (and implicitly education) on global level and on European level as well.
Everyday school-based education practices should seek to enhance creativity to benefit from scientifically proven results of improved level of creativity at school, such as:
>> wealth (creativity, knowledge and information are intangible assets that can be capitalized on in the age of globalization),
>> technological advancement (being able to be creative and dopt to the fast changing world),
>> emotional and social fulfillment (as psychology studies underline, creative habits of mind correlate with higher levels of wellbeing).
Moreover, research shows that there is a correlation between creative learning and students’ attainment.
The project aims to increase the creativity and innovation in everyday school practices in schools in four European countries (Hungary, Italy, the Netherlands and Romania) by:
>> providing support and training to teachers to focus upon the processes of creative skills development,
>> actively involving teachers and their learners in showcasing and boosting creative practices in their schools,
>> identifying and promoting uptake of creativity boosting methods and measure, with an emphasis upon everyday school/classroom creative environments,
>> providing teachers and learners with opportunities to develop their own creativity and engage them in reflection upon their own pedagogy and learning strategies.
20 teachers will take part in the blended training and transnational mobility and 200 teachers will benefit from the national teacher training workshops.
We expect that all these teachers will apply the creativity boosting methods and tools in their daily practices, the project having an impact upon more that 4000 learners aged 6-15. The application of the "Finnish model" in the participating schools and other applied creative practices will de documented and shared with more teachers and education stakeholders across Europe via the project platform.