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Various tools, technologies and materials - suggested resources

Searching the web you can find plenty of resources that can help you diversify your teaching tools and materials, or guide you through various technologies suitable for improving the creativity of your learners.

Here you can find a selection of such tools.

1. Creativity on the Run: 18 Apps that Support the Creative Process

"The intuitive mind is a sacred gift, the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift." - Albert Einstein
We do not need to teach creativity, but rather inspire its daily practice. Somewhere along the way, we simply forgot to honor this innate gift and how to access its power. Our role as educators is to encourage learning experiences that increase the ability to recognize and listen to our inner voice. In order for innovation to breed, we need to feel safe enough to get out of our comfort zone, embrace uncertainty, take chances, and effectively collaborate with others. Together we can build ways to enhance rather than undermine creative thinking. No app, nor piece of technology, can produce this. It grows from the hearts, hands and guidance of a caring community.



2. Advancing Excellent Teaching in American Schools Annenberg Learner uses media and telecommunications to advance excellent teaching in American schools. This mandate is carried out chiefly by the funding and broad distribution of educational video programs with coordinated Web and print materials for the professional development of K-12 teachers.
3.  15 Formative Assessment Activities You’ll Love Using Assessment activities should be quick, enjoyable, and versatile. That’s because formative assessment is best when it’s ongoing and consistent. Teachers use it in their classrooms to provide critical feedback to students. It helps them to monitor and modify their instruction methods and lesson plans to improve learning outcomes. That’s why we must use a variety of assessment activities and change them up frequently to stimulate both students and themselves. Here’s a list of awesome formative assessment activities that we like. They’re creative, low-tech, fun and engaging for students. Best of all, they’re easy for a teacher to implement on an ongoing basis anytime.






4. Lego education tools Grow your middle school students’ creative problem solving skills and enable them to become the critical thinkers and creators of the future. LEGO® Education solutions support your teaching efforts with effective, structured and curriculum-relevant teaching solutions for science, technology, engineering and math (STEM). 

These solutions enable students to understand challenging subjects, encourage them to develop critical thinking skills, grow their ideas, and make their own creations through playful learning experiences.


Any feedback is welcome, including suggestions for making the list more comprensive.
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